Choose Ads Text Than Ads Image


I have post about google adsense text style "Ads Text Format", now i want to share about image ads. Like Text ads, image also have a same style (size). Image ads have a horizontal style with 2 type size, 468X60 and 728X90. also image ads have a vertical style in 2 size type (160X600 and 160X600), and square type (336X280, 300X250, 250X250, 200X200). So, there are no different style between text ads anf text image, just a content of ads that make it look different.
If there are no different between text ads and image ads, which one is should to be choose? I say, it's better choose ads text than ads image.

Text ads should always be your first pick when you start to load up your site. Image ads should always be your last choice.

A text ad offers many advantages over image ads:

  • You can squeeze more text ads into the space that a conventional banner takes. People love to have more choices.adsense

  • With the right formatting, a text ads 'blends in' with your site content. An image ad will not give you the same freedom with its appearance, as the only thing you can play with is the size and positioning.
  • People hate banners and avoid them at sight. Many tests confirm that people are much more receptive to text ads related with your content.

  • Properly formatted text ads don't look like clutter. Banners do.

  • So i will choose ads text
    than image ads, except if there are a some reason that use that style. like this one.I used it in my template blogger. I choose this style because all of my article in that blog will have an image. I was put my image in left side, and the image ads in right side. And i am hope that it wouldn't look like an ads. But in this blog post, i used text ads. It was caused that i not usually used an image in my article. So, what your choise? choose ads text than ads image? It all up to you. It's just a suggest for you.

    Best Regard

    Adsense Blog

    1 Response to "Choose Ads Text Than Ads Image"

    1. MyBlogLog: an
      July 22, 2009 at 1:11 AM

      hmmmm must be try ads google menuju TKP

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