Text Ads Format


Have been approved for your application? Congratulations if you have been approved by google adsense. Before you put the adsense in your blog or web, i think you should know about all of google adsense format. There are several type of google adsense unit.

  • Text Ads Format

  • There are several types of text ad. The most popular is probably the leaderboard. At 728 x 90, it stretches pretty much across the screen and while it can be placed anywhere, it’s mostly used at the top of the page, above the main text.
    Banners (468 x 60) and half-banners (234 x 60) are much more flexible.
    Like leaderboards you can certainly put these sorts of ads at the top of the page, and lots of sites do it. Again, that’s something worth trying. You can put up a leaderboard for a week or so, swap it for a banner for another week or so, and compare the results.
    Google adsense also offers six different kinds of rectangular ads: buttons (125 x
    125), small rectangles (180 x 150), medium rectangles (300 x 250),
    large rectangles (336 x 280), and two sizes of squares 250 x 250 and 200
    x 200.
    The final types of text ads are those that run vertically. These come in three sizes: skyscraper (120 x 600), wide skyscraper (160 x 600) and vertical banner (120 x 240)

    There are a type of text ads in Google Adsense Program. I hope this will help you to choose a type before you put it into your blog or web.

    2 Responses to "Text Ads Format"

    1. MyBlogLog: http://market-pulsa.com/mengembalikan-jati-diri-bangsa/mengembalikan-jati-diri-bangsa mark
      July 21, 2009 at 7:47 PM

      thanks info ne kang, sip iki

    2. MyBlogLog: https://www.blogger.com/profile/14089235891791843678 MAHA KARYA
      July 22, 2009 at 12:38 AM

      good tutorial :D

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