Maximum Allowed Google Adsense Ads


Have a google adsense account for your web? Want to put adsense script on your blog? Before you put your adsense script in your web or blog, you must know about google adsense policy to avoid a mistake. There are allowed amount of adsense that want to display in our web or blog. You should not to display an adsense over that allowed amount.

According to google adsense policy, an maximum adsense that allowed to be display on our site are:

  • A Maximum of three AdSense for content units (ads text, ads image or rich media) on one webpage.
  • A maximum of three AdSense link units (horizontal or vertical)
  • A maximum of two Google Search Boxes on one web page (it can be Google custom search as well but make sure the Google logo is visible).

  • Google AdSense program does not permit AdSense ad code to be placed in email messages or newsletters. Nor are you allowed to add AdSense ads in software application, browser tools, extensions, etc.

    The Google AdSense code may be implemented only on web-based pages.

    I suggest to not put a google adsense ads over that allowed. Beside the ads will not appear, one thing that you must be careful is get banned for google adsense.

    Best Regard

    Blog Adsense

    5 Responses to "Maximum Allowed Google Adsense Ads"

    1. Anonymous
      August 18, 2009 at 5:50 PM

      Jadi paham dikit nih kang

    2. MyBlogLog: Wild River Guitar
      August 20, 2009 at 11:21 PM

      Hello I just bookmarked your site after reading how to post the code in posts.I tried to Tweet it but Twitter was Down. Anyway I hope to read much more from your site as you tweak for adsense worked very well and I am commenting here because I think you need a comment in english as the Post is in this Language.The help forum is filled with people saying my account is Banned and because these people don't read and follow the rules it's hard for people like us to get answers to questions we ask

    3. MyBlogLog: Al Fajr
      October 13, 2009 at 8:01 AM

      Artikel keren,...tapi sayang blog aku masih di tolak oleh google adsense.

      kang...pasang translate tool...yo.., soale aku ora ngudeng karo boso inggris,.

      manteb abis...sukses 4U

    4. MyBlogLog: Jackpamot
      October 30, 2009 at 1:08 PM

      thanks for info,,,

    5. MyBlogLog: ppcmuslim
      November 7, 2009 at 9:17 PM

      assalamu`alaikum. maaf numpang lewat, kini telah lahir ppc baru berbasis shar`e, satu satunya muslim di dunia. ayo ikutan jadi publisher maupun advertiser jika ingin melejitkan kunjungan web bisnis anda. trim

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